SEASON 2023/2024

SEASON 2022/2023

SEASON 2021/2022

SEASON 2020/2021

No competitions held due to COVID Lockdown

SEASON 2019/2020

National Team Championships (Epee/MF) 7/8 Sep

South of Ireland Open 21/22 Sep

Intermediates 6 Oct

West of Ireland Open 12/13 Oct

Dublin Satellite 26 Oct

Irish Open 26/27 Oct

The Schull Novice Cup 2/3 Nov

Belfield Sabre 9/10 Nov

Five Nations 23 Nov

Derry Open

Trinity Cup 30 Nov

Prague Christmas Marathon Dec

Northern Ireland Open

Prof. Duffy Memorial Team Epee 25/26 Jan

East of Ireland Open 8/9 Feb

Maynooth Novice 12 Feb

Student Individuals 29 Feb

Intervarsities 7/8 Mar

Belfast Open 7/8 Mar

Remaining competitions cancelled due to COVID lockdown

SEASON 2018/2019

South of Ireland Open 15/16 Sep

(ME, MS, WF, MF, WE, WS)

West of Ireland Open 6/7 Oct

Intermediates 13/14 Oct

Irish Open 27/18 Oct

Dublin Satellite 27 Oct

The Schull Novice Cup (WE, WS) 4/5 Nov

Belfield Sabre 10 Nov

National Team Championships (Sabre) 10 Nov

Derry Open 17/18 Nov

Vinnie Duffy Sabre 25 Nov

National Team Championships (Epee/MF) 25/24 Nov

Prague Christmas Marathon (ME) Dec

Prague Christmas Marathon (WE) Dec

Winter Blades (Mixed Poules, ME, WE) 15 Dec

National Team Championships (WF) 13 Jan

Prof. Duffy Memorial Team Epee 26/27 Jan

Northern Ireland Open 2/3 Feb

East of Ireland Open 9/10 Feb

Maynooth Novice 16/17 Feb

Dublin Epee 23 Feb

Trinity Team Foil 24 Feb

Galway Novice 2/3 Mar

Student Individuals 23/24 Mar

Intervarsities 30/31 Mar

Veteran Four Nations 6 Apr

Crossbones Foil 14 Apr

National Championships 27/28 Apr

Malmo International 8/9 Jun

Youth Five Nations 29/30 Jun

Student Four Nations 13 Jul

SEASON 2017/2018

National Team Championships (Epee) 9 Sep

South of Ireland Open 23/24 Sep

(ME, MS, WF, MF, WE, WS)

Intermediates (ME, WF, WS, MF, MS, WE) 14/15 Oct

Schull Novice Cup 4/5 Nov

(MF, WF, ME, MS, WE, WS)

Irish Open 11/12 Nov

Dublin Satellite 11 Nov

5 Nations 25 Nov

Derry Open 18/19 Nov

Belfield Sabre (MS, WS) 2 Dec

Winter Blades (ME, WE) 3 Dec

Prague Christmas Marathon (ME) Dec

Prague Christmas Marathon (WE) Dec

Northern Ireland Open 20/21 Jan

Prof. Duffy Memorial Team Epee (ME, WE) 27/28 Jan

East of Ireland Open 10/11 Feb


Dublin Epee 24 Feb

Trinity Team Foil 25 Feb

Intervarsities 12/13 Mar

Irish National Championships 21/22 Apr

(MF, WE, WF, ME, MS, WS)

Malmo International 2/3 Jun

SEASON 2016/2017

South of Ireland Open 28/29 Aug

(ME, MS, WF, MF, WE, MS)

National Team Championships 17 Sep

(ME, MS, WE, WF)

Intermediates (ME, WF, WS, MF, MS, WE) 8/9 Oct

North West Open (ME) 22/23 Oct

West of Ireland Open 29/30 Oct

5 Nations 5 Nov

Schull Novice Cup 5/6 Nov

(MF, WF, ME, WE)

Irish Open 12/13 Nov

Derry Open (ME) 19/20 Nov

Winter Blades 10 Dec

Prague Christmas Marathon (ME) Dec

Prague Christmas Marathon (WE) Dec

Trinity Cup 14 Jan

Northern Ireland Open 21/22 Jan

Prof. Duffy Memorial Team Epee (ME, WE) 28/29 Jan

East of Ireland Open 11/12 Feb

(ME, MS, WF, MF, WE, WS)

Trinity Team Foil 25 Feb

Dublin Epee (ME, WE) 26 Feb

Intervarsities 4/5 Mar

Belfast Open 11/12 Mar

Student Individual Championships 25/26 Mar

(MF, WE, WF, ME, MS, WS)

Irish National Championships 22/23 Apr

(MF, WE, WF, ME, MS, WS)

Malmo International 3/4 Jun

SEASON 2015/2016

South of Ireland Open 29/30 Aug

Galway Open 19/20 Sep

Intermediates 3/4 Oct

North West Open (ME) 24/25 Oct

West of Ireland Open   31 Oct/1 Nov

Trinity Cup 7 Nov

Derry Open (ME) 14/15 Nov

Irish Open (WE, MF, MS, WF, WS) 28/29 Nov

Dublin Men’s Epee Satellite 28 Nov

Prague Christmas Marathon (ME) Dec

Prague Christmas Marathon (WE) Dec

Winter Blades 12 Dec

Northern Ireland Open (ME) 23/24 Jan

Maynooth Noice Cup 6/7 Feb

East of Ireland Open  13/14 Feb

Vinnie Duffy Sabre (MS, WS) 20 Feb

Trinity Team Foil 27 Feb

Dublin Epee 28 Feb

Student Individual Championships 12/13 Mar

(MF, WE, WS, ME, MS, WF)

Belfast Open (ME) 19/20 Mar

Galway Novice Foil 16 Apr

National Championships   23/24 Apr

Junior National Championships 30 Apr

Malmo International 28/29 May

SEASON 2014/2015

South of Ireland Open 23/24 Aug

Intermediates 11/12 Oct

West of Ireland Open 25/26 Oct

North West Open (ME) 25/26 Oct

Derry Open (ME) 24 Nov

Irish Open 29/30 Nov

Winter Blades 6 Dec

Prague Christmas Marathon. Dec

Northern Ireland Open (ME) 24/25 Jan

Vinnie Duffy Memorial Sabre 31 Jan

Maynooth Novice Cup 7/8 Feb

East of Ireland Open 14/15 Feb

Merseyside Open 21/22 Feb

Irish National Championships 21/22 Mar

Belfast Open (ME) 28/29 Mar

Malmo International. 30/31 May

SEASON 2013/2014

South of Ireland Open 24/25 Aug

Essex Open (UK) 7/8 Sep

Hamlet Open Sabre (UK) 7/8 Sep

Bristol Open (UK) 21/22 Sep

National Team Championships 28/29 Sep

Intermediates 5/6 Oct

Vinnie Duffy Memorial Sabre 19 Oct

West of Ireland Open 26/27 Oct

Schull Novice Cup 9 Nov

Welsh Open (UK) 9/10 Nov

Derry Open 16/17 Nov

Trinity Cup 24 Nov

North West Open 30 Nov/1 Dec

Irish Open 7/8 Dec

East of Ireland Open 8/9 Feb

Merseyside Open 15/16 Feb

Irish National Championships 22/23 Mar

Belfast Open 12/13 Apr

SEASON 2012/2013

Intermediates 29/30 Sep

North West Open 13/14 Oct

Vinnie Duffy Memorial Sabre 20 Oct

West of Ireland Open 27/28 Oct

5 Nations 3 Nov

Schull Novice Foil 10 Nov

Derry Open 17/18 Nov

Trinity Cup 24 Nov

Irish Open 8/9 Dec

Northern Ireland Open 26/27 Jan

Prof. Duffy Memorial Epee 26/27 Jan

East of Ireland Open 9/10 Feb

Merseyside Open 16/17 Feb

Intervarsities 16/17 Feb

Dublin Epee 3 Mar

Student Individual Championships 10 Mar

Irish National Championships 23/24 Mar

Veteran 4 Nations 4/5 May

SEASON 2011/2012

Intermediates 1 Oct

West of Ireland Open 8 Oct

Derry Open 20 Oct

North West Open 29 Oct

Irish Open 3/4 Dec

New Year Epee 7 Jan

Northern Ireland Open 14/15 Jan

Prof. Duffy Memorial Epee 28/29 Jan

Trinity Team Foil 4 Feb

Dublin Epee 5 Feb

East of Ireland Open 11/12 Feb

Merseyside Open 18/19 Feb

Student Individual Championships 3/4 Mar

Irish National Championships 24/25 Mar

South of Ireland Open 25/26 Aug

SEASON 2010/2011

Intermediates 2 Oct

Vinnie Duffy Sabre 6 Nov

Schull Novice Cup Foil 7 Nov

Irish Open 5 Dec

Derry Open 12 Dec

East of Ireland Open 13 Feb

Student Individual Championships 6 Mar

Irish National Championships 10 Apr

South of Ireland Open 28 Aug

SEASON 2009/2010

Vinnie Duffy Sabre 12 Oct

Intermediates 23 Oct

West of Ireland Open 29 Oct

Derry Open 7 Nov

Irish Open 29 Nov

Northern Ireland Open 12 Jan

East of Ireland Open 13 Feb

Student Individual Championships 21 Mar

Irish National Championships 28 Mar

South of Ireland Open 31 Aug

SEASON 2008/2009

Vinnie Duffy Sabre 13/14 Sep

Pembroke Open Foil 18/19 Oct

Schull Novice Cup (Foil) 8 Nov

Derry Open 15/16 Nov

Irish Open 29/30 Nov

Northern Ireland Open 18/19 Jan

East of Ireland Open 14/15 Feb

Irish National Championships 28/29 Mar

Federation Foil 4/5 Apr

Inverclyde Open 29 May

Quad (Team) 29 May

South of Ireland Open 30 Aug

SEASON 2007/2008

Dublin Epee 27 July

UCD Novice Championships 9/10 Aug

South of Ireland Open 23/24 Aug